Social responsibility
Social responsibility is central to the values of the Department of Chemical Engineering and we are proud to hold an Athena SWAN Silver Award.
Research with impact
Research undertaken within our Department addresses global challenges, and is having a direct impact on society and industry on a local, national and international level.
Engaging our communities
We are committed to participation in outreach and public engagement activities, providing opportunities for pupils to discover more about life at the University.
Environmental sustainability
Our research, teaching and activities are guided by our commitment to environmental sustainability. We're committed to the national environmental accreditation scheme Green Impact and have won a number of awards in the University's Green Impact awards scheme. We are active participants in the University's Green Impact labs teams.
Socially responsible graduates
The Department supports the University's Ethical Grand Challenges, which enable all our undergraduates to tackle and understand problems relating to equality and diversity, sustainability, ethics and social justice. We also support many charitable events and fundraising, and encourage and support our students in volunteering opportunities.
Charitable events and fundraising
Learn more about our local business and charity support.
Student volunteering
Discover more about how you can enhance your student experience through volunteering.
Responsible processes
The Department is proud to hold an Athena SWAN Silver Award. This recognises the enormous contribution and commitment of all of our staff - academic and non-academic, male and female - to equality, diversity and inclusion.
The Athena SWAN Charter is a scheme that rewards good practice towards the advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all. The Department was initially awarded Athena SWAN Silver in 2012; the award was renewed in September 2015.
We also have a range of activities to support staff wellbeing, including a popular staff choir.