Researcher community
Our Department has a vibrant and supportive postgraduate community, dedicated to ensuring you will get the most out of your research experience with us.
By arranging events, mentor schemes and promoting access to training, our researchers and research support staff will help you develop your skills, networks and ensure you have access to the full range of benefits available at such a diverse Department.
Postgraduate mentoring scheme
We run a mentoring scheme for postgraduate students. Here, current research students help new postgraduate students settle into the Department and life in the city of Manchester. Postgraduate mentors are specially trained research students, whose friendly assistance is available to you from the time we offer you a project - even before you come here - until you graduate.
Training and development
Our postgraduate research programmes are designed to help you make the most of your time here, and to ensure you get the guidance you need. You'll be encouraged to complete a Development Needs Analysis and a Personal Development Plan, which will be used to review and develop your range of transferable skills.
You'll also benefit from the Faculty's Graduate Development Programme, offering a range of tailor-made training units, covering themes such as thesis writing, business skills, career management and presentations.
Many research students are given the opportunity to present their work at conferences and external seminars. This can help to improve your confidence and develop your communication skills and, importantly, help you meet other researchers in your field.
Research student forum
The needs and opinions of our students are respected and acknowledged. They are used to help develop the Department for the benefit of current and future students. The Research Student Forum is an open group who meet regularly to discuss issues of concern or potential improvements to your student life. The forum also organises social events throughout the year.
Your research group
You'll work with a close-knit group in your specialist research area. The group may consist of other students, academics, postdoctoral staff and specialised technicians - from whom you'll access much support. Our Department also encourages multidisciplinary working and you may be involved in cross-group activities - when delivering seminars, for example.
Student representation
Our postgraduate research students are represented by elected year 'student representatives,' who sit on Department and Faculty-level committees to advise on policy, help to resolve any specific issues, and suggest new initiatives. Our student reps also organise social events throughout the year for all postgraduate research students in the Department.
Guidance for international students
There are various channels for gaining advice and guidance on a wide range of matters if you are an international postgraduate research student or their parent or sponsor.
See the University's international students page for more information.
University researcher development
Discover the opportunities the University offers to ensure you gain a range of additional skills for your future career.
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Doctoral training
Learn more about the research opportunities and training specific to chemical engineering researchers through our doctoral training centres.
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